Depth and Digital in Conversation: Practicing Marriage and Family Therapy Directly with Video Game Avatars (Unpublished master’s
Lost In Translation: Artemis and Dionysus in Love
Navigating desire along the path to individuation
The Rambu Solo through the lens of chaos theory
Dionysus: The Illogical Choice
Tending the Imaginative Web
Secret of Roan Innish
Sacred Sex: sexual relations as sexual ritual
Killing Time
Frame Theory and the World of Belief Archetype
Dreams: My struggle with wishful thinking
The Alchemy of Sex
Historical Eras as Alchemical Vessels
Tibetan Book of the Dead
I imagine, therefore I am
Social Media, Mythological Flows and Joseph Campbell’s Planet Wide Myth
Globalization and the Monomyth
SpaceTimeArtWorks Digital Art Brochure
Tantric Buddhism and the Tibetan Book of the Dead
Psychological Chaos, Marginalization and Renewa
Managing the Symbolic Dynamics of Social Media
The Next Generation of Clocks
Historical Eras as Alchemical Vessels
Reflections on Duryodhana of the Mahabharata
The social media juggernaut
Mythological and
Psychological Time
Nature’s Death Wish
The Sirens
Social Media as a Learning Environment
Time and Timelessness
Turning Inside Out
and Outside In